First Home Buyers Grant
Queensland First Home
Buyers Grant
First home buyers who are building or buying a new home may qualify for the State Government’s First Home Owner Grant (FHOG). This $15,000 grant is awarded to anyone who buys or build a new home costing less than $750,000. To qualify, your contract must be dated 1 July 2018 or later.
To be eligible, you must:
Be an individual (not a company or trust)
Be over the age of 18
Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or applying with someone who is
Never have owned a property in Australia that you lived in (you or your spouse)
Move into the new home within 12 months of the completed transaction and live there for a minimum of 6 continuous months
Furthermore, the home must be:
Being sold for the first time
Less than $750,000 in value, including the land
For more information, guidelines and eligibility requirements, please visit the QLD government’s website.